June 21, 2012

June Selection - Generation A

We're sure on a roll for picking books that no one really likes! Only two of us had finished the book and recommended that anyone who hadn't not bother. Generation A by Douglas Coupland has an interesting enough premise: all of the bees on earth disappeared five years ago when suddenly five young people spread all over the planet are stung by bees. Why did they disappear, where did these bees come from, and why these people? Linda found the characters somewhat charming but Lisa thought they were all awful people. Linda and Lisa agreed that the plot got very muddled as the book progressed and Coupland tried to answer the above questions. Ellen pointed out the book is shelved with the adult fiction but Lisa felt that the book struggled as an adult work, with the writing feeling much more like a young adult book, except there were too many things that were utterly inappropriate for young people. Still, Linda and Lisa agreed that it was good to try something different.

What really got us excited was the idea of a multi-generational book club month. We agreed that Unbroken by Laura Hildebrand would make a good choice for a book to share with our parents. This required some tweaking of the schedule to move Unbroken into our September slot and we'll need to find a weekend date for the meeting. Cheryl suggested we make it a tea party which should be fun; maybe Linda will make some cucumber sandwiches! See the list of books for the rest of the year for the changes.

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